Operator XR Deploys Innovative Law Enforcement VR Training System For Western Australia Police Force

Perth, Western Australia — Today, Operator XR announced the deployment of its groundbreaking OP-1 LE Law Enforcement Virtual Reality Training System to support more than 7,000 sworn officers of the Western Australia Police Force. As the largest policing jurisdiction in the world, spanning 2.5 million square kilometres, the Western Australia Police Force is committed to improving training capabilities for recruits and officers by implementing Operator XR's state-of-the-art VR technology.

This cutting-edge system allows officers to train operational tactics and procedures within a safe, virtual reality environment, supplementing existing training methods. The result is increased preparedness across a broad range of scenarios, including de-escalation tactics, use-of-force decision-making, and operational procedures.

The ultra-portable system will be used at the Police Academy to enhance officer training opportunities and will also be deployed throughout the state, reaching officers in regional and remote areas.

Sergeant Mark Crossley, Training Development Manager at the Operational Safety and Tactics Training, Western Australia Police Force, said, "We believe the Operator LE Virtual Reality system will complement the Western Australia Police Force's existing training programs through its ability to recreate dangerous and logistically challenging scenarios while also increasing training frequency. We were extremely impressed with Operator's portability, realistic weapons, and scenarios tailored for Australian policing environments. We are looking forward to implementing the system into our training regime."

Wayne Jones, CEO of XRG, stated, "The Western Australia Police Force tendering process pitted Operator against established global competitors. The resulting success is validation of a superior product and market fit, and we are excited about the future market potential. We have established an extensive pipeline of sales, receiving interest across four continents in a very short period of time."

For more information about Operator XR OP-1 LE please visit www.operatorxr.com/law-enforcement or book a demo here.


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